KR Alumni Association

  • Dr. Ajay Ojha, President
  • Sh. Ajay Lal, Mentor
  • Dr. Mukesh Gupta Mentor
  • Dr. Nirbhay Shrivastava, General Secretary
  • Mr. Ravi Prakash, Treasurer
  • Mr. Shashank Verma, Joint Secretary
  • Mr. Mithilesh Giri
  • Mr. Hemant Michael
  • Mr. Hemant Kumar
  • Mr. Nafis

Point of Discussion

  1. Website updation.
  2. Directory creation.
  3. Facebook page updation.
  4. IT part will be taken care by Mr. Hemant Kumar
  5. Scholarship distribution scheme to be continued like last year and names will be finalised on the basis of input provided by the school and Mr. Rajneesh Rai.
  6. Start Fundraising activities to meet the expenses and future plans.
  7. As this year no Alumni meet then, financial help to the teachers is totally based on need.
  8. Guidance corner on the Website to be added.
  9. Start Video Conferencing for students.
  10. Job Corner on website/ Facebook to help fresher as well as both job seekers and job providers.

Mr. Shashank Verma
Joint Secretary, KRHS Alumni Association

We had a Video call conference for the core committee on 21st JUNE 2020.

Please see the below Core Live meeting-

KR Alumni Association – Core Meet @ 21st JUNE 2020