Alumni Features
We the KR Alumni, always eager to help our Senior, Juniors and colleagues.. Kindly get register and always be connetced.
Yearly Meet
KRAA organise the annual meet once in a year, you will be notified if you are a registered user.
KRAA Alumni meet
Open for KRites
We the KRAA open to help in any mean to our registered KRites.
Get in touch with any of registered member
Career Assistance
All our registered KRites are eager to help and bag you for your career growth, stay connected.
Alumnis are open to help you for your future career
KRAA Scholarships
KRAA offers every year one identified merit student to support financially.
We bag the merit student for Scholarship
“KRAA is the platform where you can stay with all your seniors, juniors and colleagues.”
Dr. Mukesh Gupta, KR-77
Consultant Cardiologist, The Heart Klinic
“KRites are a family of their own. We are open to support all our KRites in every mean.”
Hemant Kumar, KR-96
Managing Director, NAMISITE
“KRAA is an awesome platform for all KRites, we must stay connected.”
Mr. Ravi Prakash, KR-91
CEO, ApolloInfoways